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Inclusive Marketing

If you scan our website, you’ll probably read the words “inclusive communications” about 132 times. It’s the core business of Allyens, it’s what we believe in and ultimately what we sell. But what does it actually mean? Well, there are 5 basic elements everyone should know to understand what it means to communicate in an inclusive way.

1. The goal is always to maximize reach

It’s the ultimate way to maximize the reach of every campaign and means of communication in general. It’s an approach that makes sure a certain message is seen or heard by a diverse range of people. That’s why inclusive communication is the perfect answer to a question we at Allyens hear often: “How do I reach an audience I don’t connect with today?”.

2. It’s a perfect fit with our super diverse society

Inclusive communications recognizes and responds to the variety of diverse and layered identities of today. In global and super diverse societies, it can become a challenge to reach everyone that is part of it. Inclusive communication ensures that a diverse group of people will not only receive your message but also that they’ll respond to it in a positive manner, increasing user satisfaction.

3. It usually starts with simply being more accessible

Accessibility is a keyword when talking about inclusiveness. Whether it’s adapting designs, languages and materials, or redefining a larger strategic plan, the general idea is to keep in mind the needs of more people than you normally would.

4. It won’t cost you a fortune

It’s the most cost-efficient way of communicating. It doesn’t require a different strategy for every small target group, but it includes them in the overall communications plan. The initial integration of inclusiveness as a vision and the very first steps may look like a big challenge, but in the end, it will create more positive outcomes than you might expect.

5. It’s made for companies with a long-term vision

It requires flexibility and a willingness to grow. Brands, companies or organizations can only adapt inclusive communications if they are willing to adjust certain habits and standard processes that may have developed over the course of years. They can only communicate inclusively when they change with the society they’re part of.

Most companies we talk to agree with us: inclusive communication is necessary for every brand that exists today. But if anything of the above doesn’t sound logical to you at all, we’d love to explain further. Feel free to contact us for a little inclusive small talk and a coffee at the office.