Inclusion strategy trajectory

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Inclusion strategy trajectory

We work closely with organizations to help them integrate inclusion thoughtfully and strategically. This involves collaboratively setting clear and achievable priorities to make inclusion a natural and valuable part of their organizational culture.

What is an inclusion strategy trajectory?

In an inclusion strategy trajectory, we focus on assisting organizations in establishing clear priorities and developing an effective action plan aligned with these priorities. Our aim is to provide the necessary tools and guidelines to transform inclusion from an abstract concept into a tangible and integrated practice within the organization. We aim to achieve lasting change where inclusion becomes a fundamental part of the organizational culture.

What is our course of action?

Many of our clients describe our trajectory as practical and action-oriented, and that is precisely our aim. We strive not to get stuck discussing potential challenges but focus on rapidly mobilizing the organization. How do we concretely approach this? 

What is the outcome of a strategy trajectory?

At the end of our trajectory, you can expect several valuable results. Firstly, a clear statement of engagement outlining your organization's commitment to inclusion. Additionally, you will receive a detailed internal action plan to put this commitment into practice. Crucial is also the broader engagement and support we create within the management and throughout the entire organization. This last point is essential for us; we aim to foster this sense of co-creation throughout the entire trajectory, ensuring everyone feels involved and responsible for promoting an inclusive work environment.

Statement of engagement

Regardless of how it is named – charter, policy document, or statement of engagement – this document is the heart of the commitment to inclusion. It is a tangible promise from the organization, outlining priorities for the coming years. This document serves as a compass, pointing the way toward a more inclusive future.

Action Plan

An engagement is only meaningful when translated into action. Therefore, we develop an action plan with concrete steps to fulfill these promises. We seek realistic ways to find ownership and support within the organization, ensuring the plan exists not only on paper but also comes to life in daily practice.

Support and awareness

Real change starts with engagement from everyone, from the very beginning. Involving the management is crucial, as their support and commitment act as a powerful catalyst for change. We focus on building strong awareness and support, ensuring that the change is profound and sustainable.

Which organizations have we guided?

Guiding both large and small organizations in defining their inclusion priorities, we have developed a deep understanding of how the unique structure and culture of an organization influence the choice of engagement, actions, and the ability to change. Our extensive expertise allows us to provide innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each organization.

Inclusion strategy trajectory for Brussels Airport

We had a close collaboration with Brussels Airport in their pursuit of greater inclusion. This trajectory included establishing a council and developing their charter. An important aspect was also creating awareness about inclusion, both within the management and throughout the entire organization. This process aimed to strengthen engagement and emphasize the importance of diversity at every level of the organization.

Inclusion strategy trajectory for sector organization ACC

ACC approached us with an ambitious request: developing a sector-wide engagement for inclusion. We enthusiastically started working closely with their board to establish clear commitments and guidelines. Our goal was to effectively support organizations within this sector in their inclusion efforts. The result was a comprehensive set of guidelines and a related campaign designed to stimulate and strengthen inclusion across the entire sector.

Inclusive communication strategy trajectory for Telenet

With Telenet, we launched an inspiring trajectory focused on implementing inclusive communication throughout the organization. Together, we developed a strategy to determine inclusion priorities. An essential part of our work was engaging and motivating employees to actively contribute to these goals.