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Campagne, Cases

Our all-time favorite supermarket Colruyt approached us with a clear question: how to re-launch its existing app and create a buzz about it in the entire country? We were more than excited and delighted to join forces with CCX, Colruyt’s internal creative agency, to develop the first social media campaign ever. E.v.e.r.

Humane, informative and with a pinch of Colruyt

We had a luminous idea for the campaign. Who better to promote the app than customers who need to use it? Right? So we created a series of videos to be shared on Facebook and Instagram, that would highlight the features of the app in an accessible and appealing way. The aim of the videos was to keep them human and informative, with a touch of Colruyt. In other words: a checkout with recognizable videos that make the added value of the app crystal clear.

The app for me

When you use an app, you want to find out all about your personal advantages, right? That’s why we launched an online quiz after the first video-wave, helping Colruyt customers to discover their grocery shopping personality. And more importantly: why they absolutely needed to download the app. For example, if someone turned out to be the type of person to always forget his/her/x’s grocery list, the added value of the app needed no more explanation. Who needs an empty fridge (after visiting Colruyt) anyway?!