Da’s Geniaal / C’est génial (EN: that’s genius) is a project that Allyens did for a cluster of different STEM2D companies, organized by Glassroots. These are companies that are focused on science, technology, mathematics, engineering, production or design. A specific industry that had specific questions for us: how can we make STEM2D popular among teenagers aged between 10 and 14 years old so that they might consider studying and working in this domain? And how can we target girls, to make sure there will be more gender equality in this industry?
Our genius insight
The demand for more gender equality in STEM2D is nothing new. The past few years there have been quite a few initiatives to make girls and women more enthusiastic about STEM2D. But these initiatives are almost always explicitly and exclusively aimed at girls. At Allyens we prefer to handle things differently. With this campaign we wanted to address as many young people as possible, seeing as STEM2D generally isn’t exactly an accessible industry. So what makes our campaign different to the previous ones? A real inclusive point of view. Because that’s better for everyone.
Subtle, but effective!
An inclusive point of view does not imply that we didn’t conduct any targeted communication. The target audience was still young people, and the goal was still to spark their interest in STEM2D. So, it was important that we tailored our campaign to the daily environment of our target group. That’s why we came up with fun challenges that we spread in collaboration with influencers. To make everything accessible, we spread the challenges in different phases. In the first phase, the influencers shared teasers on TikTok and Instagram. During the second phase, people could watch the full videos (with scientific explanations) on YouTube and the Da’s Geniaal website. Anyone who was hungry for more information, could find different articles and interviews with people who work in STEM2D on that website. Furthermore, we developed specific parts on the Da’s Geniaal website for parents, teachers and companies, seeing as they can play an important role as stakeholders.
The real challenge? Inclusive challenges
The influencers were accompanied by ambassadors who themselves work in STEM2D, to help them during the challenges. We consciously chose as many female ambassadors as possible, because the lack of female role models in STEM2D is one of the reasons why few girls end up in that industry. The challenges themselves weren’t necessarily ‘girly’ and could easily be done with house, garden and kitchen equipment.
The results were genius too!
Op die manier konden we een inclusieve campagne houden, met de aandacht voor specifieke doelgroepen, zonder dat het geforceerd voelde of zonder dat we andere subdoelgroepen uitsloten. De resultaten van dat alles? De challenges werden meer dan 28.000 keer bekeken op de website en het YouTubekanaal, de teasers op TikTok kregen 1.700.000 views en 244.000 likes.
Interested in more? Check the website for all the content: dasgeniaal.be