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Campagne, Cases

KRO-NCRV is a Dutch national broadcaster and Spot On is one of its online programs. It opens topics – generally rather not raised in public – up to discussion via a YouTube channel. No taboo is too big, no question too strange.

The women’s stories

Spot On is a platform, created by and for diverse, young women, who want their stories to be heard – regardless of their ethnic and religious background, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Stories of their everyday life, the things they overthink, and deal with.

The platform wanted to establish a unique and eye-catching online presence and become a virtual safe harbor for its audience. Spot On’s biggest challenge was to stand out through different channels in an ocean full of similar fishes.

About special exercises and brainstorms

So, Spot On was looking for the expertise and support to come up with an inclusive social media strategy. No wonder they ended up with Allyens. We kicked off with a profound analysis of Spot On’s content, and organized several internal brainstorm sessions to completely understand their key messages and goals, to co-create, and to share input.

Using a persona exercise, we determined which people were most likely to become followers of the platform. Next on the agenda was the DNA brainstorm: how does Spot On want to profile itself, show itself to the outside world? For a clear, consistent and recognizable online communication strategy (and brand), we needed to determine the appropriate tone of voice and look-and-feel.

Spot On results

With ✅ 60k views per video and ✅ 12k subscribers, Spot On reached the social media targets and KRO-NVRV’s permission to continue broadcasting. We absolutely loved this kind of collaboration with its short- and long-term goals. More like this, please!